How Music Sculpts Our Brain
Odile Jacob
Date de publication

How Music Sculpts Our Brain

Odile Jacob

Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9782738151131
    • Fichier EPUB, avec DRM Adobe

      160 pages




      6 appareils

How does the process of learning music impact our brain? To what extent does
it foster curiosity, attention and enhance memory? How is it linked with
reading, learning languages, or mathematical thinking? Does a child need a
musical ear to develop musical ability and make progress in music? Is there an
age limit for learning music? At a time when music education is being
drastically cut, in connection with a “back to basics” rhetoric spreading over
the field of education, there is also a growing interest in demonstrating and
experiencing the way music can boost literacy, fine motor skills, memory, but
also social behavior, altruism and… happiness! A world-renowned expert on
music and the brain, Isabelle Peretz takes up the joint challenge of
enlightening us on the main findings of more than thirty years of
neurobiological research on music and education, and translating them, where
possible, into actionable recommendations directly applicable to the music
room. Written in both lively and straightforward language, her book details
the various ways in which music can transform our brain, for the better. It
makes the main findings of the neuroscience of music accessible to all those
involved in music education —aspiring musicians, professors, learning adults,
parents, or educational advisors. An indispensable guide to understanding and
promoting best practice in musical education. Dr Isabelle Peretz is a
professor of Psychology at University of Montréal, where she holds a Canada
Research Chair and a Casavant Chair in neurocognition of music.
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