Omar Addihaoui, King of Chefs and 21st Century Chef of Kings
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Omar Addihaoui

King of Chefs and 21st Century Chef of Kings


Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9791040503569
    • Fichier EPUB, avec Marquage en filigrane
The fine arts are five in number, namely: painting, sculpture, poetry, music
and architecture, the principal branch of the latter being pastry. \- Marie-
Antoine Careme -  In the finest tradition of prestigious cakes and most
particularly those who brush against the desirable limit of fantasy, prevails
a man, whose most extraordinary fate or grander calling, urged him to set out
from the Atlas Mountains of Morocco. Years later, he would become the greatest
maestro chef and artist in his category, this progressing century has
observed. Illustrated with rich and unique drawings that represent some of the
most unprecedented chef d’oeuvres that led to the artist apotheosis, this book
recounts the journey of what it took one convinced man to imagine and therein
formulate; hundreds of magnum opus that certainly shook the Arabian world from
year 2000 onwards. A labor of admiration, this book not only speaks to all the
professional chefs that subtly compose our sphere but also, to both amateur
and connoisseurs alike, in all things gastronomic. Throughout this journey and
the compelling voice that derives from it, I set out to show that when man
wants to exist, what can often be called madness by some, will equally be
named ingenuity by others.
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