Summary: Customer Centric Selling - Michael Bosworth and John Holland, Review and Analysis of Bosworth and Holland's Book
Business Book Summaries
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Summary: Customer Centric Selling - Michael Bosworth and John Holland

Review and Analysis of Bosworth and Holland's Book

Business Book Summaries

Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9782806239440
    • Fichier EPUB, libre d'utilisation

  • Aide EAN13 : 9782806239440
    • Fichier EPUB, avec DRM Adobe

      6 appareils


  • Aide EAN13 : 9782806239440
    • Fichier EPUB, avec Marquage en filigrane

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This work offers a summary of the book “CUSTOMER-CENTRIC SELLING - The Message
Driven Sales Process by Michael Bosworth and John Holland”.

In most organizations, there is a basic disconnect between the marketers and
the sales people. This is unfortunate because the marketers (the people who
are responsible for creating the messages delivered to customers) and the
sales people (who build relationships with real world customers) really could
achieve much more if they collaborated and worked together instead of being at
cross purposes.

“Customer-centric selling” (CCS) is a system whereby sales and marketing
collaborate together to help your customers visualize using your offering to
help achieve a goal, solve one of their problems of satisfy a need. This is
achieved through the delivery (in intelligent two-way conversations) of sales-
ready messages rather than presentations about product features and benefits.
CCS is the system by which these sales-ready messages are developed and

As its name suggests, customer-centric selling is all about placing the
customer at the center of the sales process rather than in an ancillary role
as the audience. For many years, sales have come to resemble a spectator sport
rather than an intensely focused session of give-and-take. CCS empowers buyers
to solve their own problems with the use of your product or service.
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